
Plot 186, Barracks Road, New Kanshio Layout, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria.




The V2 Africa Labs program prepares entrepreneurs to build on their gifting in business. Early-stage businesses and innovating companies benefit from an iterative approach to conducting their business operations.

The Lean Lab workshops are V2 Africa Labs' programs that empower entrepreneurs to transform their ideas into viable businesses. Entrepreneurs delve into crafting customer value propositions, exploring efficient delivery methods, and capturing value through effective monetization strategies. Additionally, the workshop equips entrepreneurs to identify potential risks, navigate the Build-Measure-Learn loop, and conduct rigorous customer research through interviews and experiments. This allows for systematic testing and validation of assumptions, ensuring the business model thrives in the real world.

V2 Africa Labs offers a workshop intended to prepare entrepreneurs to access funding for their capital needs. The Investment Ready Entrepreneur (IRE) workshop is designed to challenge the commonly held assumption that the entrepreneur's biggest need is capital. It includes an assessment of the entrepreneur's level of business development and suggests appropriate strategies for raising capital at each stage. As an entrepreneur's business develops and grows, further training is offered to prepare them to seek investment capital from various sources.

Starting a business anywhere in the world is tough. Entrepreneurs face unexpected situations, constant change, and the need to constantly work hard. On top of that, businesses around the globe struggle with issues like lack of money, limited supplies, and unstable governments. V2 Africa Labs's Grit workshop equips entrepreneurs with the tools they need to succeed despite these challenges.

V2 Africa Labs' Character Development workshop aims to explore how to identify and develop entrepreneurial character traits, while demonstrating their practical application in starting and building a successful business, ultimately fostering appreciation for the positive impact of strong character on a venture's journey.

The V2 Africa Labs' Bookkeeping workshop equips entrepreneurs with the financial literacy to understand key concepts like reading financial statements, cost management, revenue generation, profit and loss analysis, cash flow, and asset & liability management, empowering them to make informed business decisions.

Lean Lab workshops

Investment Ready Entrepreneur workshop

Grit workshop

Character Development workshop

Bookkeeping workshop

Training Trainig
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5+ Years Experience

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